Page name: Order of Inari [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-09-11 13:31:52
Last author: Wes Foxx
Owner: Wes Foxx
# of watchers: 23
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Welcome to the Temple of Inari, the kitsune warrior, hero and legeand. *bows*

(Wiki pages founded and maintained by [Wes Foxx])

This page is the 88th Safe Zone

-Whats the Order of Inari about?-

I've created this group as another fun place to chat, hang around, roleplay if you want to, show off your art, and in general to just do whatever and enjoy yourself.

Im also trying to use this as a way to bring new people into the world of roleplaying. Every member gets a kitsune form as well as one type of spellwork, their Kinetic Class. I reward those who do their best and suceed by awarding them a higher Member Rank, sort of like getting a medal or ribbon, or on elftown especially, a badge. We also have a badge for your kinetic class as well, which can be found in the Order of Inari Gallery page

You don't have to be a kitsune to join. You don't even have to use the kitsune form you get. Its totally up to you what you want to do with it.

Those who wish to cause trouble or pain, this is NOT the wiki for you. Any member found to be harrassing, harming, or otherwise causing trouble in the order or among its members will be exiled from the order.

~Banished Order Members~


~Roragons United
~Anthro RP
~Moonlight (Our sister page, or basically, Order of Inari part two)~
~Zelda Geeks
~Lost Book of the Bible:The Book of Amish
~Light & Dark

Interrested? Feel free to join. You may leave our order at any time, and will not be stripped of your title, rankings, or Power.
~Order of Inari Members page~

For all members who have a character picture, feel free to post it.
~Order of Inari Fursonas page~

The roleplayers and those wishing to gain rank here should proceed here.
~Order of Inari RP page~

I've moved all the classes and divisions to their own page to cut down on the size.
~Order of Inari Classes and Divisions page~
   Not enough detail for you? See the combo labs!
    ~Kinetic Research Labs~
    ~Advanced Kinetic Labs~

Information on our history, the kinetics R&D lab, and a discussion page
~Order of Inari Archives~

Are you an artist? Submit an entry and your drawing could become the picture used for our founder!
~Inari Contest~

If you have a badge, graphic, doodad or other item for the Order, we're happy to post them and display them here!
~Order of Inari Gallery~

Since this page is constantly being updated, and almost no one is watching most of these pages, heres a link to the story series I'm writing.
~History of Inari~

Order News

2/27/05 - The History of Inari story series, The Legeands of Inari, have all been outlined. I'll be writing the story from Act I ASAP.
- The History of Inari has been updated: Four new character profiles and sketches have been added. All sketches for existing story previews have been created.

3/11/05 - The Legeands of Inari: Act I first chapter done!

3/18/05 - <poll:47476> LoI character poll!

3/25/05 - [Just Paula] has been awarded a Valorian Sage ranking for services to the Order

April 4, 2005- The Legeands of Inari: Act I has been completed!

4/25/05 - The Legeands of Inari: Act II Chapter 1 is finally posted!

4/27/05 - Chapter 2 (1st half) is posted!
-Also- We've finally reached 30 members!

5/1/05 - Chapter 2 finished!

-A freakin' long time passes-

9/11/05 - *Tribute to the people who lost their lives in the September 11th tragedy*

- New sketches containing stuff from future Legends of Inari work have been placed in Foxx Galary VII!

Username (or number or email):


2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *already misses her saphy* v.v

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: *she smirked and changed into her kitsune form and tackled him*hah got ya!

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *sweetdrops as she watches the two*

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: Meep! -::-Falls over laughing and looks away blushing.-::- That you do. -::-Licks her cheek.-::- I got you again though. Ha!

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: *glomps and pashes wes*

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: *huggles her happily, then gives her the rose he forged earlier out of an emerand and a ruby*

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: WES! Can I stay in OoI...pwease?

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *double sweetdrops and thinks of saphy like a love struck little puppy*

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: *laughed then went wide eyed*00*grinned*not for long

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: oooooooooooooooo shiny*takes the precious gift and climbs into her tree to put it in her special secret storage spot*

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: Meep! -::-Squirms free and runs again.-::- AH!

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: hm... -thinks- if you can provide a valid reason for leaving the order, your welcome to come back

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: Um...I...I had my panties in a bunch...

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: lol jk

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: *walks up behind wes and leans on his shoulders*i think you should just let him com back dear after all everyone deserves a second chance

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *perks up her ears and looks at wolf amused but stays quiet*

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: True. or in other peoples cases, five or six.

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: wes... thats enough now

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: lol

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: aww...akira went quiet -::-Stops running.-::-

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: *tackles him from behind*quiet me?

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: *"accidently" knocks wes over, giggles, and scampers away*

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *looks for a way to save what she's been doing* ack..didn't bring one of my blank cds.. *mutters to herself*

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: hes been re-instated

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: *tackles wes again*

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: *catches, nuzzles* ^^

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: -::-Falls face first into the ground.-::- OW!

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: check out weirdest things

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: ? Oo *helps andy up, dusts him off, goes back to snuggling with talon*

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: *pashes*

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: *murrs and pashes back, using the warming spell from yesterday to make his fur feel sun-warmed*

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: Akira?

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: *looks at him*hm?

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: *suddenly losses her balance and falls over taking wes with her as she crashes to the ground*

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: -::-Hug tackles her.-::- Um...hi... -::-Lets go of her blushing slightly.-::- So...

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: *is pulled over with her, landing face to face next to her, the white fur of his face flushing red as he blushes*

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: *laughs at getting hug tackled*well hello to you to

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *anime fall down as wes and talon fall*

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: -^^- oops clumsy me*smiles sheepishly*

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: -::-As he slowly starts to get up he quickly hugs her again and murs. A slight blush could be seen through his fur.-::- Hi... ^.^

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: *anime sweat drop, smiles awkwardly, then licks her on the nose*

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *sites under the trees looking around*

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: i wanna surprise saphy with something great any ideas? *twitches her ears as she thinks aloud*

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: *licks him back*

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: try making an entire wiki page shrine for her maybe? *nuzzles talon gently*

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: *she laughs slightly still in her kitsune form*hi ^^

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: *embraces wes, nuzzling him back*

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *blinks at wes slowly then grins* thanks wes good idea!

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: *hugs her close, smiling gently at her*

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: your welcome

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: -::-Leans down and licks her muzzle. His blush could be seen a lot easier through his black fur. He then slowly and gently layed on her and listened to her heartbeat. He looked in her eyes and held something back.-::-

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: *she smiled and pet his head smilling*

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: *hugs wes back and pashes him*

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: -::-Smiles back and stares into her eyes. He frowned slowly and looked down. He slowly licked her hand while whimpering.-::-

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: *wraps his tails gently around talon, pashing back*

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: *loves cuddling*^^

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: what is it?

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: *loves talon and cuddling her*

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: *loves wes bigger*

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: *loves Talon uberly, as talon loves him*

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: -::-He slowly looked up and flattened his ears and rested his head on her shoulder and whispered.-::- I still care for you....a lot....

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: *she smiles and hugged him*i still care for you alot too

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: i still love you bigger^^

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: -::-He looked down again scared to speak. He sighed and got the strenght to ask as he licked her cheek.-::- One last chance....please....?

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: I love you as much as you love me +1 ^^

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: well i love you biggerer times abillionty two so there XP

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: o.O lol now who is lovestruck

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: well i love you that much plus one, which bumps up how much you love me, its just like our love truly is, always growing bigger and bigger ^^

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: ((order of inari should be called order of love))

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: maybe it should have a couples section? Oo

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: ((it should be called massive orgy)) *lookjs innocent* that didnt just come out of my mouth i swear

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: ((lol))

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: *she looked at him and gave him a glare then smiled*alright ill give you another chance

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: lol! *pounces* it seems like talon has a very playful side

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: lol i thought i had it bad for saphy *stick her tounge out at them all innocently*

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: *innocent face* what ar e you talking about???*feigns confusion*

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: *looks at sheena and laughs slightly*

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: -::-He smiled brightly and hugged her tightly.-::- I won't screw up again I promise. -::-He smiled and handed her a statue made of crystal that was them both in a loving embrace and licked her muzzle.-::- Like it?

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *giggles softly* i got to go soon everyone so i'll say bye to all of you now i got 8 mins left b4 i have to go though

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: *lays her head on wes's chest and closes her eyes listening too his heart beat*

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: *she smiled and looked at it*yeah it is lovely

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: ((Cait do you have to go?))

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: *gently runs a hand through talon's hair, smiling down at her as he gives her a loving squeeze*

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: ((no i am on spring break hehe))

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: I made it for you -::-Blushes and showers her muzzle with licks.-::-

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: ((same here lol)))

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: ((Cait, home?))

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: ((yo tambien!))

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: ((am i home?um yes))*smiles and hugs him*

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: ((if you like I can call at nine in like 10 mins))

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: ((alright mom is asleep this time ^_^))

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: bye all see you 2morrow tell saphy i love her if you see her!

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: ((number?))-::-Smirks and starts to tickle her with his tail as he pinned her down.-::-

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: kk bye sheena

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: ((i thought you had it?))*she laughed*

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: bye sheena

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: ((kinda deleted it when we got into that fight)) -::-He smiled and contuinously tickled her as he licked her muzzle.-::- Give up?

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: ((*laughs*))*she laughed*okay okay i give up

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: -::-He stopped and held her close as he slowly rested his head. He listened to her heartbeat while murring happily.-::-((I think we are taking over OoI))

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: *she smiled and pet his head*

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: -::-He murred louder and brushed his head against her hand. He licked her hand as his tail wrapped around her.-::-

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: *she smiled and wrapped her tail around his hand*

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: -::-Smirks and winks at her as his tail innocently poked her side.-::- Hehe.

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: *she laughed and her tail tickled him*

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: -::-Falls over laughing and starts to squirm away.-::- Ah! Hahaha!

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: *laughs and sits up*

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: -::-Smiles and hug tackles her tightly as he licks her muzzle again.-::- Gotchya!

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: *smiles andhuggles him*

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: hmm seems as though me and aric arent the only ones who have "gone silent"

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: hehe

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: lol >_> hes on webcam and on the phone with her <_<

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: w00tnessness

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: naughty naughty boy^~

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: lmao

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: geez and you were worried about me doing anything bad with aric*laughs*

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: lmao

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: arics watching me have cam sex with her

2005-03-30 [CuteKitsune]: oO whos aric?

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: bit too much info right there....

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: lmao!

2005-03-30 [CuteKitsune]: oh wait wes is aric nvm ><

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: aric is wes

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: lol

2005-03-30 [CuteKitsune]: i know I just got confused for a second

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: go to weirdest things omg its funny as hell

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: ahah!

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: whered wes go? *sniff sniff tear*

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: hey went brb

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: hey talon, finish the L & D banner>

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: i finished it i just cant put it up yet cuz im not at my house

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: grr

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: *whimpers* im sorry i just finished it the day buhfore i went to my aunts house please dun be mad at me

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: im not

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: ^^

2005-03-30 [CuteKitsune]: Im going home tomorrow ^^! So I wont be here for a few days

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: awww

2005-03-30 [CuteKitsune]: well germany is really boring at my grandmas house

2005-03-30 [Vampiric Wolf Archer]: oh

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: sorry i had to go help set up stuff for the SAT Xx so many bubbles

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: oh cute... sheena says she loves you and she will see you tomorrow

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: almost for got to tell you *smiles sheepishly*

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: lol *pounces her snuggling her frenziedly*

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: *snuggles wes back almost falling over from being unexpectedly pounced upon*

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: *spins around so they fall but he lands on the ground catching her* ^^ *kisses her cutely on the nose*

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: -^^-*this meaning she is now on top of him she turns a deep shade of red but doesnt seem to mind otherwise*

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: *blushes along with her but smiles, hugging her gently* your even cute when you blush, you know that right? ^^

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: yes i do believe youve told me so before*gently kisses him*

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: *kisses her back* its worth repeating for you, love ^^

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: *hugs him dearly closing her eyes happily as she rests her head on his shoulder*

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: *ruffles the fur on her shoulder gently as he massages her shoulderblades, murring quietly&

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: *purrs quietly*

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: *strokes her neck and back softly with one hand*

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: *purrrrrrrrrrrrr*

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: *murrs happily along with her* ^^

2005-03-30 [Insaniac Yoshie]: *ish haveing contemplative thoughts of joining*

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: there really isnt any reason not to, you know Oo

2005-03-30 [Just Paula]: yeah... after all were just cuddling *smile*

2005-03-30 [Insaniac Yoshie]: ok you convinced me

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: lol

2005-03-30 [CuteKitsune]: ^^ *is going back to cali! cali cali cali!!* Im happy weeeee lol

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: welcome back saphy, sheena was going crazy. she missed you

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *pounces saphy and hugs her tight*

2005-03-30 [CuteKitsune]: thanks but im leaving shortly to go home cant wait! *hugs sheena back happily* hi love!! ^^

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: hi! ^^! *nuzzles her saphy and places her in her lap wraping her hands gently around saphy's waist* ^^

2005-03-30 [CuteKitsune]: I have my own shrine? COOL! lol *feels like the brightest crayon in the box* ^^ or wait..thats not a good metaphor thingy for that..*shrugs* oh well it will work I guess and ..*upshuts* nvm ><

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: lol

2005-03-30 [CuteKitsune]: anyways! >> *gently presses her lips to sheena's, giving her a soft kiss* i missed you all day! ^^

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: lol yeah saphy you do i'm not done with it though love *nuzzles her saphy happily* ^^

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: i missed you more saphy! ^^!

2005-03-30 [CuteKitsune]: *daydreams about lucious ripe yummy shiney red strawberries* Mmmmmm ^^ sheena gave me some yesterday..uh..nevermind >>

2005-03-30 [CuteKitsune]: DANGIT WES!!! YOU HAAAAD TO SAY IT!! lol just kidding its ok ^^

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *giggles and nuzzles saphy innocently* i'd love to give you more ^^

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: lol

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *finds her pan of warm chocolate and dips a strawberry in and holds it for saphy to eat* ^^

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: *starts working on chapter 13*

2005-03-30 [CuteKitsune]: oO uh-oh I gotta go soon >< nooo im scared of ..of..k nvm I love heights! ^^ so pretty clouds and cant see the trashy ugly earth that nobody takes care of but a small portion that doesnt make a difference cause a bigger portion is ruining it more and more every second of-- xX sorry..ahem ><

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: lol don't worry saphy i'll be waiting for you here whenever you can come back on ^^

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: lol shes worse a ranter than i am =P ^^

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: so? she's my saphy and i love her SO much thats all that matters to me is saphy ^^

2005-03-30 [CuteKitsune]: oO I trust you ^^ if I come back and youre with someone else Ill just cry my little tears until my eyes turn red and sting and then wait

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: she wont leave you, dont worry ^^ ill make sure of it

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: i'm not leaving my saphy for anyone ^^

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *gently tickles saphy while holding her close resting her head on saphys shoulder* never leave my saphy never never!

2005-03-30 [CuteKitsune]: never never? *goes into song* take my hand, we're off to never never land!! (something of the sort) sheena im going to take you there ok? lol ^^ *contemplates on the idea*

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *giggles and kisses her saphy* as long as i'm with you i don't care where we are <3

2005-03-30 [CuteKitsune]: *slightly giggles at the touch of sheena, trailing her fingers gently through her hair while she rests her head on her shoulder* my goddess ^^

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *smiles at her and snuggles her happily* yes i am and your my goddess too <3

2005-03-30 [CuteKitsune]: xX *inserts her finger in her ear, moves it around trying to hear* stupid alicia screamed something to someone right in my ear

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *keeps saphy close and nuzzles her lovingly* you'll be ok ^^

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: how long will you be gone? *keeps nuzzling her happy to have her in her arms again*

2005-03-30 [CuteKitsune]: hmm maybe be on sunday cause if I have to take two flights to get back to cali..and my second flight is tomorrow so.. *adds it up* ill be home around tomorrow night-ish and then I wont be on cause it will be too late

2005-03-30 [CuteKitsune]: and saturday im going to be gone all day cause I havent been home for months, so ill be with friends from 3pm to the next day, and all morning ill be organizing and unpacking ><

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *smiles and nods at her kawaii saphy* i'll be on sunday then waiting for you love <3.<3

2005-03-30 [CuteKitsune]: ok ^^ *scribbles more big loopy hearts then sheena has displayed* <3<3<3<3<3 HA! I win ^^ *fingers the necklace she had recieved* I wuffles it ^^

2005-03-30 [CuteKitsune]: ill be expecting to have more reading when I get back wes! lol how many chapters is that book going to be? oO

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *smiles at her happily still having one of the rosses saphy gave her in her hair* i'm happy you like it love ^^♥♥♥♥

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: dunno maybe 20. then the books after that? no clue.

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: book 4 may be as long as 30 or even 40

2005-03-30 [CuteKitsune]: oO you thinking you might publish it?

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *cuddles saphy*

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